Sunday, November 30, 2014

Great things are coming..

Yes, it's been quiet here since March. But (please, sir! please, sir!) I have an excuse!

During the past 8 months, my brain and creative mind have been entirely geared towards writing, submitting and, finally, presenting my PhD. Creative Temperament has, I'm afraid to say, been pushed out of the way during that time.

The good news? I am now a fully fledged Doctor.... in Robotics.... for all the good it'll do me. If you have any sick droids then feel free to send them to me.

The better news? Creative Temperament is going to be moving to pastures new. I'm currently putting this blog through a complete overhaul. It's getting a completely new design, moving to a new home ( and getting  some new focus in the content.

At the start of the New Year (2015), I'm going to migrate all this content over to the new platform and start the "new look" Creative Temperament with an exciting blog series on the figures of rhetoric.

Hope you're as excited as I am! See you there.

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